LEFT OF LEFT CENTER happily announces its next production, SPIRITS TO ENFORCE by Chicago playwright Mickle Maher.
It’s the story of a team of superheroes gathered for a telethon so they can raise money to do a production of THE TEMPEST. Secret identities, overlapping dialogue, quoting Shakespeare, and lots of laughter ensue.
The play will be performed barnstormer style, at various Madison area locations between June 5th and 14th. These include the Goodman Community Center and Tapit/New Works in Madison, Watertower Chop House in Sun Prairie, Firefly Coffeehouse in Oregon, and I’m Board game store in Middleton.
Directors Ned O’Reilly and Sara Beth Hahner will cast 5 men and 6 women of various ages (one part has been precast). These characters are superheroes, but physical type is not critical, as they only appear in their civilian guises. While the subject matter is completely family friendly, the language is challenging, so we’re looking for experienced, articulate actors.
AUDITIONS will be held in Madison on Monday April 27 and Tuesday April 28 at 6:30 pm at the First Baptist Church, 518 N Franklin Ave in Madison. Auditioners are asked to prepare a short monologue (one minute or less) from Shakespeare. You may read it or do it from memory, but it should showcase your ability to handle poetic language and complex sentence structures. Auditioners will also read from the script. Rehearsals will begin within a few days of the auditions.
PLEASE SIGN UP for a spot via email with one of the directors and bring your conflicts to the audition. Ned O’Reilly: nedme17@gmail.com or Sara Beth Hahner: shahner@gmail.com .
For further updates, follow us on Facebook and at our website: leftofleftcenter.com
Image courtesy UW-Whitewater Theatre/Dance Department.