Left of Left Center announces auditions for the next installment of comic shorts written and directed by Ned O’Reilly – BETA BLOCKERS: GENERATIONS.
It’s not Star Trek-themed, it’s a wry look at coping with families, traditions, and inherited traits in contemporary culture. Think of it as making comedy out of things you don’t want to think about, but always do anyway.
The new scenes will feature a wide range of ages in its characters, providing opportunities for as many as 15 performers.
Performances will run at various Madison locations the first half of December.
Auditions will be held at
Lakeview Moravian Church
3565 Tulane Avenue
Madison, WI
Enter through the door marked “OFFICE.”
September 28 and 29, 7-9 PM. Candidates need only attend one night of auditions. Auditions will consist of cold readings from Beta Blockers: Generations scripts. Please come prepared to fill out a conflict calendar. Rehearsals will begin in early October, and we will be as flexible as possible with conflicts.
Contact director Ned O’Reilly with any questions: nedme17@gmail.com .