The read thru rehearsal will likely be the only time we will be as a group until tech rehearsals start in mid February. It was fantastic to see all the shorts read, to get a sense of the themes that Ned has intended for the Beta Blockers production as a whole. They really do comically examine the games we play, medications we take, and nonsense we endure in order to feel wanted.
Read thru of Hive Mind with (left to right) Francisco Torres, Tanis Steed, Vanessa Vesperman, and Samuel O’Reilly.
Read thru of Advantage with Ben Seidensticker, Britton Rea, and Emmaline Friederichs.
Jason Compton, Katie Erdmann, and Greg Hudson.
Vanessa Vespermann and Sara Beth Hahner.
Read thru of Arrhythmia with Greg Hudson and Erin Ronayne.
Read thru of Cortisol Rush with Jason Compton and Kathleen Tissot.
Read thru of Bechdel Test with Katie Erdmann stepping in for Patricia Padurean and Erin Ronayne.
Read Thru of Catnip with Betsy Wood, Benjamin Barlow, and Emmaline Friederichs.